Showing posts from September, 2020
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Sent from: Attn:Good day, This is to bring to your notice that, I, have paid the fee of the delivery of your Funds in cash valued (US$3.5million) USD which should have been transferred to you through CASHIER CHEQUE but due to what happen, we are now deposited it in cash sealed in a box as a consignment to the COURIER COMPANY for the delivering of the Whole money to your door step, the money it has less a month to expire and when it expires the money will go into Government reserve. With that I decided to help you pay the money so that your inherited fund will not expire, Because I know when you get your money definitely you must compensate me. Now, your FUND in cashier cheque has been Converted into cash packed into the strong iron box and has deposited as consignment with COURIER COMPANY for delivery direct to your doorstep. This is the registration Number of your consignment PS/188rp/cgmt/202 Zip Code;614358 . Therefore, I want you to cont...
My Dear
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from Ahlam Hossein <> Beloved Friend.Greetings to you and your family.I am Mrs. Ahlam Hossein A widow to late Dr.Muhammad Hossein of Iraq.I am 68 years old, my late Husband was a Director with the Construction Company before his Sudden Death in this Country’s present political Crisis 2015, but before his death, he Deposited the Sum of¨$14,800,000.00 with one of the reputable Bank in MADRID SPAIN with my name and i am suffering from pancreatic cancer,My condition is really bad and it is quite obvious that I won’t live more than two months according to my doctors, and i have no Child who is going to take care of this Huge amount of Money,I am willing to donate the sum of $14.8 Million US dollars for you to help widows and the less privileged ones in the rural and urban areas and to carry out charity works in your Country and around the World on my Behalf. Waiting for your Urgent Response.My regards. Mrs. Ahlam Hossein. The post My Dear appeared...
DHL Shipment Notification
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Sent from: DHL Express Dear Customer This is to notify you of a shipment that has been assigned for pick up To get tracking details of this shipment, please click the button below: Track My Shipment Now [1] ————————- Shipment Recipient: * This shipment can be cleared only by Customer DHL Express Worldwide Links: —— [1] The post DHL Shipment Notification appeared first on .
Phishing scam
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Geachte relatie, U heeft zojuist een derde partij toestemming gegeven om maandelijks een bedrag af te schrijven van uw rekening. Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau(CJIB) heeft een verzoek ingediend om geld van uw rekening af te schrijven. Deze incasso-opdracht wordt binnen enkele dagen uitgevoerd. Wij vragen u om deze incasso-opdracht direct te controleren alvorens u akkoord gaat. Hiermee voorkomt u dat het bedrag wordt geincasseerd indien deze niet terecht blijkt. Indien de incasso-opdracht klopt, hoeft u geen verdere stappen te ondernemen. Klopt de incasso-opdracht niet? Volg dan onderstaande stappen om deze terug te draaien. De incasso-opdracht komt hiermee te vervallen. Incasso-opdracht controleren Hier vind u meer informatie over de geplande incasso annulering. Is de incasso-opdracht onterecht? Volg dan de stappen op het link om deze ongedaan te maken. Met vriendelijke groeten, Rabobank Team
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: claim dept < > Date: Saturday, September 26, 2020 Subject: (COVID-19) CASH PRIZE AWARD To: Do fill out the claim form and forward it to the below email address Email: hk Mrs.Susan Brown Phone:00-44-793-742-0827
Fwd: Hello.
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Barr Adolf Mwesige < > Date: Friday, September 25, 2020 Subject: Hello. To: Goedendag Mijn liefste vriend, ik ben advocaat Adolf Mwesige, ik heb uw toestemming nodig voor de transactie van $ 2.600 miljoen Amerikaanse dollars, in het codicil en het laatste testament van een overledene die toevallig mijn cliënt is. een burger van uw land '' die dezelfde naam draagt als u. Ik wil graag dat u aangeeft dat u geïnteresseerd bent in het ontvangen van de overdracht van ($ 2.600 miljoen Amerikaanse dollar) die is achtergelaten door mijn overleden cliënt. Volgens mijn onderzoek ben je misschien zijn neef of naaste familieleden. Het IMF is al begonnen met hun jaarlijkse auditie en ze mogen dit fonds in beslag nemen als ze merken dat de account niet langer actief is. Daarom heb ik contact met u opgenomen. Ik zal meer duidelijkheid over het onderwerp geven zo...
Business Funding Proposal
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Gerald Van Luven < > Date: Friday, September 25, 2020 Subject: Business Funding Proposal To: -- Good Day, I am Dr. Gerald Van Luven and I work as a financial consultant and adviser to Global Asset Management company LLC and some High Net worth individuals from the MENA region and European Union. Basically, my principals are interested in investing in projects that are viable and has capacity of generating a reasonable ROI for the investor. I MUST consider you a privileged entity who shall be privy to many sourcable CLEAN fund meant for foreign investment and you are able to access up to One Billion Euro or more if your project is viable. I will wish that you send a copy of your highlighted projects with elucidated BUSINESS PLANS or EXECUTIVE SUMMARY which I shall propagate for its immediate approval for a minimal ROI return on investment which you shall have sole mandate...
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: < > Date: Sunday, September 27, 2020 Subject: Re: To: Recipients < > You have received a donation of 4,800,000.00 EURO, i won the America lottery worth 40 million U.S Dollars in America and decided to donate a portion of it to five lucky people and charity homes in memory of my late wife who died of cancer. Contact me for more details at: Virus-free.
Fwd: Good Day To You
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-----Original Message----- From: Mrs. Miriam Michel <> Sent: Sat, Sep 26, 2020 09:47 PM Subject: Good Day To You My Greetings and I need your prayers, This letter might be a surprise to you, But I believe that you will be honest to fulfil my final wish. I bring peace and love to you. It is by the grace of god, I had no choice than to do what is lawful and right in the sight of God for eternal life and in the sight of man for witness of God's mercy and glory upon my life. My dear, I sent this mail praying it will found you in a good condition of health, since I myself are in a very critical health condition in which I sleep every night without knowing if I may be alive to see the next day. I am Miriam Michel, a widow suffering from long time illness. I have some funds I inherited from my late husband, the sum of US$8.5m (Eight Million Five hundred Thousand Dollars) my Doctor told me recently that I have serious sickness which is cancer problem. What distur...
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: sharon smith < > Date: Saturday, September 26, 2020 Subject: To: Hi Dear, Good day to you My name is Miss Sharon Smith, and We don't know each other yet but it would be great to know you.and I will let you know more about me.thanks, from . Sharon Smith
Cienījamais e-pasta īpašnieks / fonda saņēmējs!
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: William William < > Date: Saturday, September 26, 2020 Subject: Cienījamais e-pasta īpašnieks / fonda saņēmējs! To: Cienījamais e-pasta īpašnieks / fonda saņēmējs! Es nosūtīju jums šo vēstuli pirms mēneša, bet es nedzirdēju no jums, es esmu nezinu, vai jūs to saņēmāt, un tāpēc es to sūtu vēlreiz, pirmkārt, es esmu Kristalina Georgieva kundze, pašreizējā Starptautiskā Valūtas fonda rīkotājdirektore un priekšsēdētāja. Patiešām, mēs esam pārskatījuši visus šķēršļus un problēmas, kas bija saistīti ar jūsu nepabeigto darījumu, un nespēju izpildīt pārskaitījuma maksu, kas iekasēta pret jums par iepriekšējām pārsūtīšanas iespējām. Skatiet mūsu vietni, lai saņemtu apstiprinājumu. 38 ° 53′56 ″ N 77 ° 2 ′ 39 ″ R Mēs, Direktoru padome, Pasaules banka un Starptautiskais Valūtas fonds (SVF) Vašingtona, DC kopā ar ASV Valsts kases departamentu un dažām citām attiecīgajām izmeklēšanas aģentūrām šeit, Amer...
From Dianne Partnership Investment Proposal
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dianne Grassley < > Date: Saturday, September 26, 2020 Subject: Re: From Dianne Partnership Investment Proposal To: Greeting to you, I am DIANNE GRASSLEY an International Trade Compliance Expert and Loan Facilitator for individual and corporate Loan Services. It is my pleasure to inform you of my intention to start business investment in your country and i want you to be my partner/fiduciary agent. Respond to me for further detail. Thank you
Fwd: Attention
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: < > Date: Friday, September 25, 2020 Subject: Fwd: Attention To: , , , Headers below From: To: Sent: 9/23/2020 6:42:11 AM Pacific Standard Time Subject: Attention Attention Please we need your current home address and telephone number to enable us start sending your USD $2.800,000.00 USD to you through western union as we were instructed by IMF to be sending you $5,000.00 each day till the whole amount USD $$2.800,000.00 USD,Call Mr,John Paul, now and ask him to give you MTCN and every other information you need to pick up your $5,000.00 today. Here is what he may require from you. Your Receiver name-------------- Your Country-------------------- Your City----------------------- Your Tel----------------------- Your Test Question-------------- Answer---------------...
Contact person: Gary Christopher.
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Rev. Godwin Robert. < > Date: Friday, September 25, 2020 Subject: Contact person: Gary Christopher. To: Attention: This is to officially notify you about approval of your long awaited payment with the help of (IMF) international monetary fund... Your payment will be made available via prepaid visa verified ATM CARD. Your first installment payment is 1.500.000.00 United States dollars which is already deposited and registered with registration code 44Y2K. Contact Gary Christopher with your delivery information such as, your complete Name, Address and your direct phone Number: E-mail: Contact person: Gary Christopher. Payments for the Insurance & Delivery fee have been settled. The only fee you will pay is their (SKF) Security Keeping Fee of 369 United States dollar only. You should contact Gary Christopher immediately with your phone number, complete ...
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-----Original Message----- From: FRACELLA LUCIA <> Sent: Thu, Sep 24, 2020 09:17 PM My name is Fracella Lucia. I am originally from Bern, Switzerland. I have a project which I would like you to guide and assist me in your country that is why I contacted you. Please, get back to me through my personal email :( ) so that i can reply you with the project details.Hope to hear from you soon
Doação da Sra. Sandra Morris
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Mrs Sandra Morris < > Date: Thursday, September 24, 2020 Subject: Doação da Sra. Sandra Morris To: Greetings, I really hope this message comes to you in peace and will bring home to the needy and less privileged. With the introduction of Identity, I am Mrs. Sandra Morris. I am contacting you with faith in expectation of a response from you after finding your contact during my search for a person who I can trust, I am Willing to impact in a Humanitarian/Charity Project with a legitimate sum of $2.9 US (Two Million Nine Hundred Thousands United States Dollars) This will bring hope and great help to the needy mostly at this time of COVID19 Pandemic, Your immediate reply is expected as soon as possible in order to know more about you before confiding this amount through you. Your religion, Belief does not matter much to me, What matters most is using the money with the fear of Almighty God, Your sincere reply wi...
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Mack Daniel < > Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 Subject: To: I am Attorney representing the late Eng. Michael A, who died during the 2004 tsunami while on vacation with his family in Thailand. He seems to be related to you hence I have contacted you to discuss this matter with you.
Fwd: Hello,
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Monika Sojli < > Date: Thursday, September 24, 2020 Subject: Hello, To: Hello, My name is Monika Sojli, from France. Can you help me transfer my money. l lost My husband two years ago and the family members areafter me and my two kids, just because of the legacy he left for us in a Bank, Please help us secure this legacy and have it transferred, The inheritance is 18,800.000.00 Euros, now I am in Côte d'Ivoire where the money was deposited, Monika Sojli
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: < > Date: Thursday, September 24, 2020 Subject: INVESTORS To: Hello, A very good day to you. I am contacting you from AKB brokers in the city of Bari, Italy. We wish to introduce our variety of funding procurement services to you. Our firm can secure for you or your company very quick, secure and legal funds for projects,general investments and trading. The loans have very attractive interest rates and our service charges are reasonable which we will be paid after you have received the loan not before.Suitably qualified individuals or companies can access these loans immediately. We have the capacity to secure blue chip bank instruments and loans suitable for financing medium to big size projects or high volume trading capital needs all at very reasonable and affordable terms/rates. Our services are backed by highly trusted and transparent investors and al...
David I Mckay: offering a New Year BONUS
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From: David I Mckay CEO < > Date: Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 11:34 PM Subject: $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment notification from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) To: RBC) Royal Bank Of Canada. 14 park ave Lac Du Bonnet Manitoba Canada . $12,000,000,000 USD Payment Notification we are to Notify you about the latest development concerning your payment that are left in our custody, besides,you are given a bill of Sum in order to receive your payment $12,000,000,000 usd which we didn't hear from you for sometime now. Hence,we are now offering a New Year BONUS to help all our customers that are having their payment in our custody due to of high prices. In other words we are now requesting that you should pay only the sum of $50 to receive funds your payment abandoned in our custody by online transfer or atm card if you wish so. Therefore you are requested to send the fee $50 only by ITunes Card,or Google Play CARD,amazon' Stream Wallet is also ACCEPTED because i...
GODWIN EMEFIELE: I am the Central bank
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> De: MR. GODWIN EMEFIELE (CBN) GOVERNOR. < > > Enviado: lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2020 8:28 > Para: < > > Asunto: Congratulations in advance while, waiting for your swift response > and telephone call. > > FROM THE DESK OF THE EXECUTIVE GOVERNOR: > CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA (CBN) > MR.GODWIN IFEANYI EMEFIELE > Tel:+2348034646490 > > > Attention: My Dearest Beloved, > > I am the Central bank of Nigerian Governor Mr.Godwin Ifeanyi Emefiele, I ... ( more )
Kadi Hamanin: secrets surrounding this money
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21.09.2020, 15:42, "mrs kadi" < > : Dear sir/madam My name is Mrs Kadi Hamanin.I have decided to seek a confidential co-operation with you for the execution of the deal described hereunder for our mutual benefit. I Hope you will keep it a secret due to the nature of the transaction. During the course of our audit last month, I discovered an unclaimed/abandoned fund total US$3.5 million in a bank account that belongs to a customer who unfortunately lost his life and entire family in a car accident. Now our bank has been waiting for any of the relatives to come-up for the claim but nobody has done that. I personally has been unsuccessful in locating any of the relatives, now, I sincerely seek your consent to present you as the next of kin / Will Beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at {US$3.5 Million United ... ( more )
Thank You for your mail. Re:
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Sgt, Cathay Kruger < > Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 Subject: Re:Thank You for your mail. Re: To: emailscam alert < > Please confirm you got my last email and get back ASAP On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 8:11 AM Sgt, Cathay Kruger < > wrote: Thanks for your response to my message. I am writing from Camp Humphreys (USAG-H). Camp Humphreys is a United States Army Garrison. Humphreys is located about 35 miles south of Seoul, just to the southeast of Asan Bay in South Korea. It's the busiest Army airfield in Asia, with a runway more than 8,000 feet long. It's the U.S. military's largest overseas base. I must thank you for your response, this shows your interest and I appreciate that. As you already know, my name is Cathay Kruger, feel free to call me Cathay. Now about my last message, in the past years, there were...
Urgent Attn:
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Barbara Eno < > Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 Subject: Fwd: Urgent Attn: To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: MR JIMMY RAY < > Date: Thursday, August 27, 2020 Subject: Urgent Attn: To: FEDRAL RESERVE BANK OF CARLIFORNIA 33 LIBERTY STREET CARLIFORNIA, NY 10045. USA. NOTIFICATION OF CREDIT FROM BANK FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD CARLIFORNIA USA. Urgent Attn: OFFICIAL NOTICE: this is to Notify you that Series of Meetings have been held by the Federal Reserve Board California USA and the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization United State of America, which ended Today been thursday August 27 2020, It is Obvious that you have not received your fund which is now in the amount of $11,000,000.00 USD (Eleven Million United States Dollars) as a compensation award to you, due to past corrupt Governmental Of...
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Chris Oranu < > Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Subject: JK To: -- Dear Friend. I am Mr. Gabriel Edgal , I am internal Auditor in our bank,i want you to get read to receive the transfer of $9.5 million Dollars which will be share among two of 50:50 . The fund was deposited in our bank by one of my late client ,who bear the same surname with you and he died with his entire family in Auto Accident . The reason why I have contacted you is because you bear the same name with the late client and i want to invite you as foreign partner to stand as the next of kin to the decease customer ,so that we will put claim over the deposited fund and share it between two of us 50: 50 each . I want you to contact me back here through my email address ( ) for more details Best Regards, Mr. Gabriel Edgal
Re: Helloooo
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-----Original Message----- From: Nicole Malachowski <> To: Bassar <> Sent: Wed, Sep 23, 2020 06:14 AM Subject: Re: Helloooo Good day dearest, Thanks for writing to me and I feel happy to have you as my friend. My full names is Lt Nicole Malachowski.i am separated 9 year ago am 47 years old i have a daughter that will 16 by November this year, I like reading, nature and spending time with little kids. I contacted you because i am searching for a close friend as I would like to meet people of different culture and ways of living and if possible visit the country. Please can you tell me more about yourself, your age, your likes and dislikes and where are you from? (Your country or origin or residence
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jessica U Meir < > Date: Sunday, September 20, 2020 Subject: To: emailscam alert < > Hello Dear Good Morning, Please do accept my apologies I do not wish to invade into your privacy, it is a pleasure to meet you ones again, I had written an earlier mail to you but without response, My name is Jessica Meir, from the United States of America. I am a NASA Astronaut officer working at a US military Base camp (Engineer Brigade) i really want to establish a true relationship that may lead into a business with you, I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as you respond back. Thank Jessica Meir. On Sun, Sep 20, 2020 at 4:53 AM emailscam alert < > wrote: Yes On Saturday, September 19, 2020, Jessica U Meir < > wrote: Hello Dear Good Afternoon, My Name Is Jessica U Meir, please I wrote you a previous e...
Fwd: [419] Fwd: Note have you heard from the delivery company get back to me if you have not yet hear from them until now Mr.George Gana Chief director ATM card.
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: < > Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Subject: [419] Fwd: Note have you heard from the delivery company get back to me if you have not yet hear from them until now Mr.George Gana Chief director ATM card. To: Cc: , , Headers below. From: To: Sent: 9/21/2020 3:20:48 PM Pacific Standard Time Subject: Note have you heard from the delivery company get back to me if you have not yet hear from them until now Mr.George Gana Chief director ATM card. Received: from by com with HTTP; Mon, 21 Sep 2020 22:20:48 +0000 Return-Path: < > Received: from (EHLO ) by with SMTPs; Mon, 21 Sep 2020 22:20:48 +0000 X-Originating-Ip: [] Received-SPF: pass (doma...
Fwd: Hello Dear, REPLY DEAR
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Cooper MRS.ANNA < > Date: Monday, September 21, 2020 Subject: Hello Dear, REPLY DEAR To: Hello Dear, I am Mrs. Anna Cooper, from Australia, lived in South Africa for 20years and currently residing in London United Kingdom, a widow to the late Dr. Andrew Cooper. I am 77 years old and presently suffering from Leukemia. My health has gotten worse and just two weeks ago my doctor informed me that my condition has reached a critical stage, and that I have just 3 months left. This confirmation from my doctor was and still is devastating news; it is hard to know that you have just a little time left to live here. My late husband was a contractor in both South Africa and London, he died in a plane crash and during the period of our marriage we could not bear any child. My late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I inherited all his businesses and wealth both in South Africa and London-United Kingdom. ...
Fwd: Donation Project
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Mrs. Agnes Hilary < > Date: Sunday, September 20, 2020 Subject: Donation Project To: Greeting My Dearest One: , This is highly urgent, and it is my reason for contacting you, please kindly reply quickly enough. I have sent you a message twice to this particular email address, but I have not received your reply . Kindly let me know if your email address is still working and I will resend it to you again if you confirmed it to me that you have not received the previous two messages. It is very urgent. Actually, the reason I tried severally to reach you is because I am willing to donate and change my WILL to your names to benefit the sum of GBP £12.5, million British pounds , for the help of the less privileged and homeless and old age people in your country and other countries of your choice of which you will be responsible in taking care of the disbursement and sharing of this...
Fwd: Greetings
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Mohamed ouedrago < > Date: Monday, September 21, 2020 Subject: Greetings To: Dear friend, i am contacting you independently of my investigation in my bank and no one is informed of this communication. I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $11.3million dollars to your private account,that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died a longtime with his supposed NEXT OF KIN since July 22, 2007. The money has been here in our Bank lying dormant for years now without anybody coming for the claim of it. I want to release the money to you as the relative to our deceased customer , the Banking laws here does not allow such money to stay more than 18years, because the money will be recalled to the Bank treasury account as unclaimed fund. I am ready to share with you 30% for you and 70% will be kept for me, by indicating your interest i will send you the full details ...
Dear Sir/Ma
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ali Shareef Al-Emadi < > Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Subject: Dear Sir/Ma To: QATAR PETROLEUM P.O.Box 3212, Doha, Qatar Greetings. I am Mr. H.E. Ali Shareef Al-Emadi, Finance and Account, Qatar Petroleum. I have $30m for Investment. Contact me if you are interested; I have all it will take to move the fund to any of your account designate as a Contract Fund to avoid every query by the authority in your Country. I sent this message from my private Email; I will give you more details through my official Email upon the receipt of your response to prove myself and office to you. Office Email Address: Regards. Mr. H.E. Ali Shareef Emadi, Minister Of Finance. Qatar Petroleum
Please i need your help to be my guardian
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from: favour unisa <> via reply-to: to: date: Sep 21, 2020, 2:34 PM subject: Please i need your help to be my guardian My greeting to you, My name is Miss. Favour Unisa. I am sending you this email with tears as I really need your help to be my guardian for the management of my fund. , I am 19 years old the only daughter to my late parents. Please i need your help to be my guardian for the management of my fund $6.9 million USD. My late father deposited this fund in the bank here before he meets his death. But because of the agreement he has with the bank I can only get this fund by contacting a guardian because of my age. Because the corona virus where I am staying in the camp here some people have die because of this virus and other people have this virus. So I am afraid so I need to see that the bank transfer the fund out to you so that you can send me money from there to get all my papers to come over and have a better life. I ...
BOBBY CHALTON: I advise that you decline the acceptance
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From: BOBBY CHALTON <> Date: Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 9:42 PM Subject: URGENT ATTENTION NEEDED International Association of Gaming Regulators Board U.K. Good day to you This is to inform you that the Board of International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR) and the UK National Lottery resolved in the last security vote meeting to promptly pay your lottery winnings won years past - an outstanding entitlement of US$2.5,000,000 [two ... ( more )
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: MR. MALY MUDINA < > Date: Monday, September 14, 2020 Subject: GOOD BUSINESS PROPOSAL. To: Dear Friend, From The Desk Of: Mr. Maly Mudina, Am From Ouagadougou Burkina Faso I have a Mutual/Beneficial Business Project that would be beneficial to you. I only have two questions to ask of you, if you are interested. 1. Can you handle this project? 2. Can I give you this trust? Please note that the deal requires high level of maturity, honesty and secrecy. This will involve moving some money the sum of $18.5 Million US Dollars and Gold Bars, quality; .999 Pure 24 Karat Gold Bars, quantity; 225kg from my office on trust to your hands. Also note that I will do everything to make sure that the money and the Gold Bars is moved as purely legitimate Items, so you will not be exposed to any risk. I request for your full co-operation. I will give you details and procedure when I receive your reply. To com...
Let us discuss lucrative joint partnership in your Country
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Patrick Sullivan < > Date: Friday, September 18, 2020 Subject: Let us discuss lucrative joint partnership in your Country To: Hello I am a banker by profession, I have the opportunity of securing the left over funds (US$30 million) and I need a reliable partner to move and invest the fund. Reply strictly to my private email for more details if you are interested. E-mail:-
Fwd: =,VIEW ATTACHED-C-YOU WON$920,000Coca Cola COVID19 EMAILDraw UK 2020 FJJ kj;h
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-----Original Message----- From: mrs. Hassan Mariam <> Sent: Sat, Sep 19, 2020 05:24 PM Subject: HELLO DEAR FRIEND My Name is Miss. Hassan Mariam from Libya, I am 22 years old, I'm in St. Christopher's Parish for refugee in Burkina Faso under United Nations High commission for Refugee, I lost my parents in the last war in Libya, right now am in Burkina Faso, Please save my life I am in danger, need your help in transferring my inheritance my father left behind for me in a Bank in Burkina Faso here, i have every document for the transfer, all i need is a foreigner who will stand as the foreign partner to my father and beneficiary of the fund. The money deposited in the Bank is US10.5 MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLAR) I just need this fund to be transfer to your account so that I will come over to your country and complete my education as you know that my country have been in deep crisis due to the war and I cannot go back there again because I have n...
Good Day
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This attachment contains your personal horoscope for Friday, September 18th, 2020
You will buy some great software.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: < > Date: Friday, September 18, 2020 Subject: Good Day To: Hello Sir/Ma We are into various solutions, with our set of providers, we secure bank instruments/papers for numerous interested clients in need of such. We have investors/financier who are ready to finance and invest in your various projects as long as there is a clear proof of how good the ROI is. Note that intermediaries/Consultants/ Brokers are 100% protected and welcome to bring their clients. Kindly show your area of interest to enable us tae you through the conveyance process. Regards,
Fwd: Hi
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Clement Rogers < > Date: Saturday, September 19, 2020 Subject: Hi To: Hope you are fine. I sent you an email previously and I have not received any response from you. I need to know your stake on my proposal so to know what next to do. Best Regards, Rogers
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Abdoulphataou Kalam < > Date: Saturday, September 19, 2020 Subject: Fwd: To: ---------- Forwarded message --------- De : Abdoulphataou Kalam < > Date: ven. 18 sept. 2020 à 21:14 Subject: To: < > Hi; Dear, I am Erich Jonathan, the personal attorney of a late client who died of kidney cancer with an unidentified family or relative. I am contacting you to stand in as a next of kin to his deposit of (Six million five thousand dollars), Thank you for your understanding. Please reply as soon as possible for more information. Regards,
Fwd: [SPAM] Low-Cost Loans for SMEs & Investment Funding.
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Nicholas Toms < > Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 Subject: [SPAM] Low-Cost Loans for SMEs & Investment Funding. To: Dear sir/ma My name is Nicholas Toms, an investment portfolio manager with ACLL . We offer the right loan Investment funding with low interest to finance your business or project ranging from US$1M to US$2BIllion. Kindly contact me for more details as I am open to questions. Sincerely, Nicholas Toms
Fourteenth person in court $4.7 million business email compromise scam, NSW
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Fwd: Hello
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jamie Anderson U.K < > Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 Subject: Hello To: -- Attn: Sir/Madam I am Mr. Jamie Anderson from United Kingdom London, I was directed by HSBC & Chase Bank of UK to pay the sum of £2,000,000.00 to you as a compensation fund due to many fund transaction you were engaged in the past and spent your hard earn money, efforts and finally did not receive the fund. Kindly respond to this message in order to direct you how you receive the fund by Bank Wire Transfer to any of your nominated bank account within 5 days without any further delay. I look forward to receive your urgent response. Call me with the below phone number. Email: Telephone: +44-753-712-1960 Regards Mr. Jamie Anderson England United Kingdom
Fwd: Attention: to Your approved payment
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Mr. Mark John < > Date: Thursday, September 17, 2020 Subject: Re: Attention: to Your approved payment To: Re: Attention: to Your approved payment I wish to use this medium to inform you that your full payment $1.2 million (One Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars) from Central Bank of Benin has been approved for onward released to you via Visa ATM card which you will use to withdraw all the $1.2 million in any ATM machine in any part of the world but the maximum you can withdraw in a day is $5,500 Only. We have mandated United Bank for Africa Benin to send you the ATM Card and PIN CODE which you will use to withdraw all your $1.2 Million in any ATM machine in any part of the world, You are hereby advice to contact the Head of ATM Card Department of United Bank for Africa Benin as follows: E-mail address: Contact person is Rev. James Edward, inform him that you received a message f...
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Anong Kittikachorn < > Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 Subject: DEAR SIR To: My name is Ms. Anong Kittikachorn, A Thai citizen in Asian Continent but currently residing in Cambodia , I trust this email meets you in good health, I just got your contact today during a research about your country and I will say that I foresee success of my future investment ventures in your country. I want to invest in your country and I would like you to assist me in my investment not financially but morally and advice. Please do reply me as soon as possible so we can discuss more. I look forward to hear from you soon.
Fwd: Ftt/t2 Project
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ms. Ramona Caswell < > Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 Subject: Ftt/t2 Project To: Recipients < > I am sorry to have invaded into your privacy like this. I am Ms. Ramona Caswell; I am the Chief Internal Auditor Banking Division with FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF ISRAEL LTD (FIBI), Tel Aviv branch, Israel. I have a project of $13,609,000.00USD that I love to introduce and share with you. Kindly respond back to me and I will explain more to you. Regards, Ms. Ramona Caswell Chief Internal Auditor Banking Division FIBI BANK ISRAEL.
There is a project you might be interested in.
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Yimin Busharemu < > Date: Thursday, September 17, 2020 Subject: There is a project you might be interested in. To: Hello! There is a project you might be interested in. acknowledge my email so we can talk more. Thanks, Lin