Affiliate Movie Streaming Scam Service
Dear readers, I'm sharing some information here wondering if anyone can identify the criminal affiliate program at the root of this scam service. The scam begins with what seems to be an automated bot-response posted on Facebook. One of the outstanding questions -- can anyone identify a bot that is making these spammy posts? These are a few examples from many thousands observed over the past week. Step One: Unknown malware uses stolen Facebook credentials to post a spammy comment link. We'll just do one walk through here, but each of these functions in the same way. The spam post, which often will be added as a comment to a publicly shared post that mentions a movie, links to a Facebook page. Let's walk through the Ogbani Wanyu post first. Step Two: The Spam link points to a Facebook page created to share a shortened URL. Recently popular movies have Facebook pages created that claim to offer the ability to watch full movies and share a shorte...
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