Zainab Abdullah: handsome, rich, and well educated than you

From: Zainab Abdullah < > Date: Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 2:10 AM Subject: Bismillahir, Rahamani, Raheem Bismillahir, Rahamani, Raheem, I greet you with the words of Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh (May the peace and mercy of Allah be with you) I know the idea and choice of me selecting you for this great project, is the work of the almighty Allah, because there are millions of people who are handsome, rich, and well educated than you, but were not my choice. Secondly, I never before seen you in person but i decided to choose you, which is the direction and guidance of the almighty Allah (the all-knowing and the merciful) .Good things happen to good people I am very sure, that you are a good person, because is only Good person with Good heart can have this great opportunity coming to your way. Me and my Late Husband are building Hotel and Real Estate in Malta in Europe before he died. But right now ,I am suffering from Lung Cancer disease as i speak to you now am at the hospital in Banjul The Gambia.because of my health problem i cant continue our project anymore and I want you to continue this project and also to appoint you as new Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O) of our business in Europe This will also help your financial status because the money is available with Union Bank Of Switzerland to finish our Real Estate and Hotel This will also create job opportunity for your people in your country and foreign countries. May Allah promote this our new relationship to the highest level in true Love, Faith, Trust and honesty. IF YOU ARE READY TO HANDLE THIS PROJECT KINDLY GET BACK TO ME FOR MORE DETAILS Your Sincerely, Zainab .A. Abdallah Ma'a salama  ... (more)


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