---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: AGENT DAVID DAWSON < www.lotto.office2018.@happytown.ocn.ne.jp > Date: Friday, June 29, 2018 Subject: SWEEPSTAKES AWARD To: Sweepstakes Winners and Their Prizes, This is to inform you that you have won one million five hundred thousand United States Dollar $1,500,000.00 in this year 2018 online Lottery promotion which was organized by UNITED NATIONS COMPENSATION COMMISSION GENEVA, 7 April (UN Information Service) -- The United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) has made available today a total of $195,044,579.38 for distribution to 8,303 successful winner. Payment is being made in respect of 2,946 claims in category "A" (claims of individuals for departures from Kuwait or Iraq), 4,740 claims in category "C" 615 claims in category "D" (claims of individuals for damages above), and two claims in category "E" (claims of corporations, other private legal entities and public sector enterprises)...